John, our hospice aide, came into our home with a sweet presence that seemed to enter the door before him. This lovely man spoke to Troy as if he was sitting at a table waiting for his coffee, and John was there to deliver it. He moved with ease and understanding of precisely how to help me care for Troy’s personal needs. John made short work of formidable tasks and never stopped explaining what was going to happen next to both Troy and myself and never once forgot to keep Troy’s integrity in firm standing. John is a man among men….he carries a giant presence in a quiet package… his ministry is immediately felt the moment he enters a room. There are few people in this world that can walk into a complete stranger’s home in the darkest days of their lives and bring comfort and peace to broken hearts. We knew John was with us; we knew he respected Troy and appreciated the love we have for him. It’s funny how he never had to speak those specific words and still, we all got his message.

We consider ourselves unofficial ambassadors for Hospice Ministries, and we will continue to share our experience as long as we have breath in our lungs! We are happy to celebrate your 30th Anniversary with you and pray the Lord blesses you with many, many more years.

~By Phyllis Lambert