Since Cicely Saunders started the hospice movement in England some 60 years ago, patients and families have been cared for by a hospice team. Unlike traditional medical care where the focus is on the physical care that is provided by the physician, hospice utilizes a team of professionals who work together to ensure that not only the physical but also the social, emotional, and spiritual needs of both the patient and family are met. Physicians, nurses, hospice aides, social workers, chaplains, pharmacists, bereavement counselors, therapists, dietitians, volunteers are all essential members of our team and minister to our patients on a daily basis.

As people approach the end of life, many patients may experience pain and suffering, but it is not physical pain than can be alleviated with pain medication. Spiritual pain is often an issue as patients have questions about salvation and what is going to happen when they die. Our chaplains work closely with patients and families to help relieve this spiritual anguish and allow them to die at peace. Worries about finances and care of loved ones left behind are issues that may cause distress; our social workers help patients and families find ways to deal with these. So whatever the “pain”, we have team members who can help make the final days or weeks or months as comfortable and peaceful as possible.

Our team at Hospice Ministries is special, and the care our team provides is unlike care anywhere else.

~By Dr. Gerry Ann Houston